
Sunday, June 1, 2008

New 'Street Fighter' Shot: Chun-Li Looks Nothing Like You Remember

Why is this being made again? I mean, seriously. I know I've asked the same thing when I heard news of Shrek VI and 4 Fast 4 Furious and other ludicrous and largely-undesirable movies, but that was just me expressing my impotent rage--like how I'll scream "Why, God, WHY?!" when I learn I have a terminal illness, even though I already know the reason why (unhealthy living, various sins). But I really mean it this time. Why? Why would anyone choose to make a Street Fighter movie now?
I can understand the original attempt, which was hurriedly cashing in on the insane popularity of the video game in the early '90s, but surely interest has waned a bit over the last 15 years. Hasn't it? And it isn't like the game has some amazing storyline--I remember it being some people fighting for various reasons, like avenging a death, or proving sumo wrestling is OK--and the above shot (and this previous one) make it pretty apparent they're throwing the character design out the window, so what's left? A few names, the notion of fighting outdoors, a glimmer of nostalgia, and the ever-present shadow of a jump-kicking Jean-Claude Van Damme? What's the point?
I honestly don't know why someone thinks this is a good idea. If we've become so desperate for ideas that we're resorting to old video game franchises, let's at least move on to some we haven't tried yet. An Alvin and the Chipmunks-style Sonic the Hedgehog seems obvious enough. Let's get to it.

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